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Thursday, April 11, 2024

Elon Musk Predicts AI will be Smarter than Humans by Next Year

Elon Musk has been making headlines again! During a recent interview on X Spaces (his platform for discussing all things space and beyond), the he dropped a prediction about Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Musk claims AGI could be surpassing human intelligence within the next two years!

Elon Musk Predicts AI will be Smarter than Humans by Next Year

Master of Making Bold Statements

Musk has a history of making bold (and sometimes controversial) pronouncements, and this one lands right in his wheelhouse. His company, xAI, is neck-deep in developing its own uber-intelligent chatbot, Grok. Apparently, Grok’s training is hitting some snags due to a lack of cutting-edge chips. Could this prediction be a strategic nudge for more investment in xAI’s endeavors? Perhaps.

One thing’s for sure, Musk’s comments have reignited the debate on the ethical and societal implications of AGI. This isn’t the first time he’s waded into these deep waters. Just a while back, he made headlines by suggesting AI could be smarter than all of humanity by 2029.

Also Read: Elon Musk’s xAI Open Sources Grok AI Chatbot Model

Is he Alone in this?

Elon isn’t the only one making waves. Ray Kurzweil, a highly respected computer scientist, echoes a similar timeline for AGI dominance. So, is this all just tech bros hyping the future? Not necessarily.

What’s at Risk?

Musk himself has acknowledged the potential dangers of super-intelligent AI, even suggesting a not-so-insignificant 10-20% chance it could spell doom for mankind. Yikes. Despite these risks, Musk remains an optimist, believing the potential benefits of AGI outweigh the potential pitfalls.

The real question on everyone’s mind: how do we ensure AI development happens safely and ethically? During the X Spaces interview, Musk proposed a surprisingly straightforward solution: program AI to be truthful. His logic? A truthful AI wouldn’t be able to manipulate us or pursue harmful agendas.

Also Read: Elon Musk’s xAI Firm Faces Speculation Over Funding

Our Say

One thing’s for sure: the conversation about AI is no longer confined to science fiction movies. It’s happening now, and we need to be actively involved in shaping its future.

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