I get the following behavior on my mac.
> sudo pmset schedule cancelall
pmset: Error 0xe00002db cancelling all scheduled events
> sudo pmset schedule cancel wake '04/13/2024 09:27:02'
pmset: Error in scheduling operation
This used to work just fine, suggesting that I have set the right power management settings. I don’t believe I have changed any settings here, especially given that I can schedule wake events just fine still.
On my current environment:
Macbook Air M1 2020, 8GB, Sonoma 14.2.1
I currently have 1000 wakes scheduled, which is the max allowed on Mac OS. I have done this repeatedly. Schedule 1000, cancel 1000, schedule 1000, cancel 1000, and so on (debugging a Python script). I suppose macOS’s security systems may have somehow detected “malicious” behavior, but I’m not sure.
I believe a workaround is to disable SIP, cancel all, re-enable SIP, but I’d prefer not to do this. If this is the only way I can cancel these wakes, then please let me know. I currently have SIP Enabled.
> csrutil status
System Integrity Protection status: enabled.
- Another workaround, if the answer is “yes, it will be disabled, but only for 24 hours” is to simply wait 24 hours… that’s fine by me.